Food and Cuisine
"Nick's knack at packing flats and stacking skids is midst a whiz of ritzy kids, a cracking bats and hacking skids." – Alex Estes (bakery graffiti artist)
On the Back of a Grocery Sack
Fred got this crazy idea to build an outdoor bread oven from a sketch that Marcel had drawn on a shopping bag…
As Fred and Marigold entered this exotic vegetarian restaurant, with a party of twenty congregants from a Friday Shabbat service, the chatter of the ambient crowd drowned out the simplest conversation among the group. Putting small talk aside for a few minutes, Temple-goers found their place along…
What should we be without the sexual myth, The human reverie or poem of death? Castratos of moon-mash – Life consists Of propositions about life.
– Wallace Stevens, Men Made Out of Words
Halloween night, 1977. Jay, the body-building manager of Main Street's Wildflour Pizza Parlour,…